What We Do

Green Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit company in the area of solid waste management which has put together an efficient process to make a society waste free.
When a society signs up to be waste free, a waste management expert is assigned to the society to help it during the journey
This expert guides the society through the various steps, including:
- Showing the society members and its managing committee how simple the whole process is
- Helping the society to identify a small project team and creating a plan to make the society waste free
- Training and handholding the project team through the entire process
- Helping the society to procure the equipment, its installation and assisting with its operation for a few weeks
- Helping the society to get tax breaks, vertical gardens and other such goodies
- Ensuring that the society is on the coveted list of waste free societies of Mumbai.
We can also offer the service as a cash free service to the society, wherein we help the society to get the service financed by a bank against the cashflow generated by the waste
The whole process to become a waste free society takes 6 months